The Coyote's uncatchable nemesis...

ARX-6 Roadrunner
Role Formula One concept
Introduced FS2004
First release FS2004
Current version FSX
Models A - Base Model



Made in Malibu!

Project Credits

Jason L. Terry

Mike Vivaldi

Joseph Thompson

Josh Nyhus

Brady Duros

Design and Development
The ARX-6 is a single place Formula One pylon racing aircraft  built to the specs of the International Formula 1 Air Racing association. Like all Formula One race planes, it is built around the tried and true Continental O-200. This is the same 100hp engine that barely powers a Cessna 150 to 100kts but on the small extremely lightweight and aerodynamic airframes of formula one racers the top aircraft can push 300mph (260kts)!  With very few instruments, and less than average ground handling, Formula One aircraft are very clean "no frills" machines that serve only one purpose - flying low, flying fast, and turning left.

The idea of making a Formula One pylon racer goes back to around the time of FS2000, and during that time the aircraft went through three shape changes. A rough version of the final shape was created early in 2002 but due to other projects I wanted to release first, the entire race plane project was put on the back burner for a while and I mainly only toyed around with it in my spare time.

Mark I shape 2001 

Mark II early 2002 
Wings eventually ended up on the final version.

The first formula one racer I started working on was similar to the DR-90 style that was made popular by Jon Sharp and his plane #3 Nemesis. The second design of the racer was basically the same aircraft with different wings, and the third of course, is the ARX-6. After getting bored with the second racer design I decided that the best looking racers  were pusher props, made famous by Jim Miller in the 70's and Bruce Bohannon in the 90's, and since pusher aircraft with canards seem to be my forte, I never gave a fourth racer design any thought.

Mark III in late 2002

As mentioned above, by their nature formula one aircraft are very budget conscious and weight conscious aircraft. Therefore they don't have a lot of the amenities that most other aircraft have, even when compared to other weight restricted aircraft such as aerobatic planes, racers are very stripped-down machines. No IFR capability, no night flying, no navigation equipment, and very little if any taxiing ability - just fly flow, fly fast, and turn left. This is the only downside to the ARX-6, it is severely limited in every way unless you want to race. For this reason it is a very niche aircraft and really only suited to Reno racing fans. But, making niche aircraft seems to be another characteristic of mine...

The instrument panel of the Roadrunner is very simple since race planes are strictly VFR machines. The fuel load is very small but given a good cruising altitude and proper mixture settings, it is possible to fly "Point A to Point B" in this aircraft, although that was not what it was built for and you only have a GPS and magnetic compass to guide you.

An F1 racer is a  logical idea for a concept plane since all F1 class aircraft are basically just that.  No two are ever alike and a lot are kit-built from the same plans and still end up being drastically different. All F1's must have certain things in common however, the major point being the engine: a Continental O-200 with a wooden fixed pitch propeller.  I admit that I am a serious Lycoming fan and I really don't care for fixed pitch props, especially wood props, on modern aircraft.  But rules are rules, and I followed the specs set by International Formula One as best as I could when I made this aircraft. 

The ARX-6 for FS2004 was the first concept we released that had schemes made by each of the four members of our group. The same aircraft are back in the FSX version as well as a layered paintkit and 3 new schemes as well!


Versions & Downloads

Model A
The model A is the only model - a standard Continental O-200 powered single-seat fixed-gear monoplane
ARX-6 For FS2004 6.8MB

ARX-6 For FSX 38.3MB



LENGTH: 22ft. WINGSPAN: 26.3ft.
POWERPLANT: Continental O-200 Empty Weight: 667lbs.
TOP SPEED: +260kts (300mph) Cruise Speed: +130kts
PRODUCTION: 13 Top Speed: 260kts

Individual Aircraft Listing

  • N6JT
    • First flight 8-26-03
    • Only aircraft of the type equipped with autopilot.
    • Release Date: July 3, 2006
    • One of two flagships of our "hot rod factory" at Malibu MotorSports, (the other being the Coyote N501X)



  • N6OJT
    • First Flight 9-19-03
    • Release Date: July 3, 2006


  • N6PJT
    • First Flight 11-27-03
    • Release Date: July 3, 2006


  • RA-3337X
    • Pilot/Painter: Brady Duros
    • Release Date: July 3, 2006


  • N387IS
    • Pilot/Painter: Mike Vivaldi
    • Release Date: July 3, 2006
    • Sister ship to I-MMBR (of the ARX-5 Exp. Pack)


  • N51MR
    • Pilot/Painter: Josh Nyhus
    • Release Date: July 3, 2006
    • Sister ship to N151X


  • N170RB
    • Pilot/Painter: Josh Nyhus
    • Release Date: July 3, 2006
    • Sister ship to N51RB and N103X
  • N199TS
    • Pilot/Painter: Josh Nyhus
    • Release Date: July 3, 2006
  • N4149M
    • Pilot/Painter: Josh Nyhus
    • Release Date: July 3, 2006
    • Tribute scheme to Jim Miller's original "Pushy Cat"


  • N600X
    • Factory Paintkit
    • Release Date: August 27, 2012
    • New for FSX (Photoshop PSD files included)


  • N779DW
    • DeWalt Sponsor
    • Release Date: August 27, 2012
    • New for FSX
    • Sister ship to N179DW



  • N601X
    • Harrah's sponsor
    • Release Date: August 27, 2012
    • New for FSX
    • Sister ship to N102X and N502X


  • N602X
    • Aeroshell sponsor
    • Release Date: August 27, 2012
    • New for FSX


  • N2020F
    • Pilot/Painter: Joseph Thompson
    • FSX Air Sports Association scheme
    • Release Date: August 27, 2012
    • New for FSX







See Also
Flight Center II, Malibu, Ca.
- Scenery where the ARX-6 was developed from FS2002 through FS9 and FSX.
Death Valley Outpost - "Lima 51" - Scenery where the ARX-6 was primarily flight tested in FS9 and FSX.
ARX-1 xStream - Glider concept that the ARX-6 was derived from.





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